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49. Kim J, Kang HW, Nam SY, Oh J, Lee YW. Inline selection of transmission or reflection spectra of of different fiber Bragg gratings using polarization-

     diversity loop. Journal of Optics 2016; 18: 015702

48. Zhang JJ, Rajabhandharaks D, Xuan JR, Wang H, Chia RWJ, Hasenberg T, Kang HW. Water content contribution in calculus phantom ablation during

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47. Lee HS, Kim SW, Oak C, Ahn Y, Kang HW, Chun BK, Lee KD. Rabbit model of tracheal stenosis induced by prolonged endotracheal intubation using a

     segmented tube. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 2015; 79: 2384-2388

46. Kang HW, Welch AJ. Enhanced coupling of optical energy during liquid-confined metal ablation. Journal of Applied Physics 2015; 118: 153101

45. Nguyen TH, Rhee Y, Ahn J, Kang HW. Circumferential irradiation for interstitial coagualtion of urethral stricture. Optics Express 2015; 23(16): 20829-


44. Bui NQ, Hlaing KK, Nguyen VP, Nguyen TH, Oh Y, Fan XF, Lee YW, Nam SY, Kang HW, Oh J. Intravascular ultrasonic-photoacoustic (IVUP) endoscope

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43. Cao Y, Ha K, Kim M, Kang HW, Oh J, Kim J. A circular array transducer for photoacoustic imaging by using piezoelectric single crystal lead magnesium

      niobate-lead zirconate titanate. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 2015; 54: 07HD08

42. Kang HW. Feasibility study on a short-pulsed IR wavelength for effective calculus fragmentation. Journal of the Korean Physical Society 2015; 66(10):  


41. Nguyen VP, Oh Y, Ha K, Oh J, Kang HW. Enhancement of high-resolution photoacoustic imaging with ICG-conjugated carbon nanotubes. Japanese

      Journal of Applied Physics 2015; 54: 07HF04

40. Arum Y, Oh Y, Kang HW, Ahn S, Oh J. Chitosan-coated Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles as carrier of cisplatin for drug delivery. Fisheries and Aquatic

     Sciences 2015; 18(1): 89-98

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