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33. Kwon JH, Lee C, Oh J, and Kang HW. Computational analysis of endometrial photocoagulation with diffusing optical device. Biomedical Optics

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32. Kang HW. Characterization on ablation performance of various surgical fibers. Lasers in Medical Science 2013; 29: 273–277

31. Kang HW, Kim J, and Oh J. Effect of wavelength on laser-assisted surgical techniques. Optics and Lasers in Engineering 2013; 51: 104-110

30. Kang HW, Kim J, and Oh J. Investigation of safety aspects of forward light propagation during laser surgery. Lasers in Medical Science 2013; 28: 1315-


29. 김세희,이창호,한승훈,강현욱,오정환,김지현,김철홍. 광간섭 단층 촬영 장치와 광음향 현미경의 결합을 통한 동시 이미지 획득 연구. Journal of  

      Biomedical Engineering 2013; 34: 91-96.

28. Cho NH, Jung U, Kim S, Jung W, Oh J, Kang HW, Kim J. High speed SD-OCT using GPU accelerated mode for in vivo humn eye imaging. Journal of the

      Optical Society of Korea 2013; 17(1): 68-72


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