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27. Kang HW, Kim J, and Oh J. Enhanced photocoagulation with catheter-based diffusing optical device. Journal of Biomedical Optics 2012; 17(11):     


26. Koo J, Jeon M, Oh Y, Kang HW, Kim J, Kim C, and Oh J. In vivo non-ionizing photoacoustic mapping of sentinel lymph nodes and bladders with ICG-

      enhanced carbon nanotubes. Physics in Medicine and Biology 2012; 57: 7853-7862

25. Rajabhandharaks D, Kang HW. Angular effect of optical fiber movement on endoscopic laser prostatectomy. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 2012; 

      44: 653-663

24. Koo J, Lee C, Kang HW, Lee YW, Kim J, and Oh J. Pulsed magneto-motive optical coherence tomography for remote cellular imaging. Optics

      Letters 2012; 37: 3714-3716

23.  Lee C, Woo C, Jung W, Kang HW, Oh J, and Kim J. A handheld probe based optical coherence tomography system for diagnosis of

     dental calculus. Journal of Sensor Science and Technology 2012; 21: 217-222

22.  Kang HW and OH J. Comparative tissue ablation study between 532 and 980 nm. Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics 2012; 23(3): 108-112

21. Ko WJ, Choi BB, Kang HW, Rajabhandharaks D, Rutman M, Osterberg EC. Defining optimal laser-fiber sweeping angle for effective tissue

     vaporization using 180W 532 nm lithium triborate laser. Journal of Endourology 2012; 26(4): 313-317


20. Osterberg EC, Kauffman EC, Kang HW, Choi BB, EdKoullick. Optimal laser fiber rotational movement of the prostate in a bovine ex-vivo animal

      model. Journal of Endourology 2011; 25: 1209-1215

19. Malek R, Kang HW, Peng YS, Stinson D, Beck MT, Koullick E. Photoselective vaporization prostatectomy: experience with a novel 180-Watt 532-nm

      lithium triborate laser and fiber delivery systems in living canine. Journal of Urology 2011; 185: 712-718



18. Rieken M, Kang HW, Koullick E, Ruth GR, Bachmann A. Laser vaporization of the prostate in vivo: experience with the 150-W 980-nm diode laser in

     living canines. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 2010; 42: 736-742

17. Kang HW, Peng Y, Stinson D. Quantitative evaluation of high power effect of 532-nm laser vaporization of bovine prostate in vitro. Journal of

      Urology 2010; 184: 1211-1215

16. Kang HW, Kim J, Peng Y. In vitro investigation of wavelength-dependent tissue ablation: laser prostatectomy between 532 nm and 2.01μm. Lasers in

      Surgery and Medicine 2010; 42: 237-244



15. Kim J, Oh J, Kang HW, Lee H, and Kim J. Detection of tendon tears by degree of linear polarization imaging.JJournal of the Korean Physical

     Society 2009; 13: 472-477.

14. Kang HW, Kim J, Yu Y, and Oh J. Photoacoustic response of magnetic nanoparticles to pulsed laser irradiation. Journal of the Korean Physical

      Society 2009; 55: 2224-2228.

13. Kauffman EC, Kang HW, Choi BB. The effect of laser-fiber sweeping speed on the efficiency of photoselective vaporization of the prostate in an ex

     vivo bovine model. Journal of Endourology 2009; 23: 1429-1435.

12. Malek RS, Kang HW, Coad JE, Koullick E. Greenlight Photoselective 120-Watt 532-nm Lithium Triborate Laser Vaporization Prostatectomy in Living

      Canines. Journal of Endourology 2009; 23: 837-845.


11. Kang HW, Jebens D, Malek RS, Mitchell G, Koullick E. Laser vaporization of Bovine Prostatic Tissue: A Quantitative Comparison of Potassium-titanyl-

      phosphate and Lithium Triborate Lasers. Journal of Urology2008; 180: 2675-2680.

10. Kang HW, Oh J, Welch AJ. Investigations on Laser Hard Tissue Ablation under Various Environments.Physics in Medicine and Biology 2008; 53:3381-


9. Kang HW, Lee H, Welch AJ. Laser ablation in a liquid-confined environment using a nanosecond laser pulse.Journal of Applied Physics 2008; 103:


8. Kim J, Oh J, Kang HW, Feldman MD, Milner TE. Photothermal response of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles. Lasers in Surgery and

    Medicine 2008; 40: 415-421.


7. Kang HW, Rizoiu I, Welch AJ. Hard tissue ablation with a spray-assisted mid-IR laser. Physics in Medicine and Biology 2007; 52: 7243-7259.

6. Kang HW, Welch AJ. Effect of Liquid Thickness on Laser Ablation Efficiency. Journal of Applied Physics 2007; 8 (083101): 1-4.

5. Oh J, Kim J, Kim J, Kang HW, Feldman MD, Milner TE. Magneto-motive detection of tissue based macrophages by differential phase optical coherence

    tomography. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 2007; 39: 266-272.



4. Kang HW, Lee H, Chen S, Welch AJ. Enhancement of Bovine Bone Ablation Assisted by a Transparent Liquid Layer on Target Surface. IEEE Journal of    

    Quantum Electronics 2006; 42: 633-642.

3. Kang HW, Lee H, Teichman JMH, Oh J, Kim J, Welch AJ. Dependence of Calculus Retropulsion on Pulse Duration During Ho:YAG Laser

    Lithotripsy. Lasers in  Surgery and Medicine 2006; 38: 762-772.

2. Lee H, Kang HW, Teichman JMH, Oh J, Welch AJ. Urinary Calculus Fragmentation During Ho:YAG and Er:YAG Lithotripsy. Lasers in Surgery and

    Medicine 2006; 38: 39-51.


1. Welch AJ, Kang HW, Lee H, Teichman JMH. Calculus fragmentation in laser lithotripsy. Minerva Urologica E Nefrologica 2004; 56: 49-63.


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