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[2024-12] Our team attended a seminar by Yeachan, a postdoctoral researcher from the University of Michigan.

[2024-11] Our team attended the KOSOMBE (The Korea Society of Medical & Biological Engineering) conference in Seoul.

[2024-10] Hwarang, Duc, Jiho, and Myungji received a 'PKNU Proud Lab' award at the Pukyong Academic Conference.

[2024-10] Myungji presented her research results at the Female Graduate Engineering Research Team Support Program (Korean Foundation for the Advancement of Women in Science and Technology).

[2024-08] The American Society for Laser Medicine & Surgery published an article highlighting Junghyun's study.

[2024-08] Seonho and Jihye graduated with a Bachelor's degree.

[2024-05] Our team attended the COOC 2024 conference in Busan and made Poster presentations.

[2024-05] Our team celebrated Teacher's Day and took group photos.

[2024-05] Hwarang and Jiho received an 'Excellent Research Poster' award at the BLUE Scholar Conference.

[2024-04] Newspaper: "Myungji was selected for 'Female Graduate Engineering Research Team Support Program' (Korean Foundation for the Advancement of Women in Science and Technology)."

[2024-04] Our team enjoyed beautiful cherry blossoms on campus.

[2024-03] Siraj decided to go back to her country. "Good bye, Siraj."

[2024-03] Newspaper: "Hwarang received a "BSC Best Paper Award" at the SPIE conference."

[2024-02] Lulu paid a visit to us after her graduation in 2023.

[2024-02] Our team had a research meeting virtually with physicians from the Central Military Hospital 108 in Vietnam.

[2024-02] Hwarang and Duc graduated with a Master's degree.

[2024-01] Happy Birthday

[2024-01] Hwarang, Yeongeun, and Myungji attended the SPIE conference in San Francisco and made oral presentations.

[2024-01] Hwarang received a "BSC BEST PAPER AWARD" at the SPIE conference.

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